

Boring legal work is a digital business opportunity

There’s a lot of talk these days about disruption of industries and how AI and robots will make pretty much everyone unemployed by the end of the week. The legal industry has realized that it too is exposed.

This makes a lot of sense if you think about some of the more unexciting tasks of a law firm associate, legal researcher or court clerk. Collecting, searching through, producing and to some extent even analyzing written information is something that a computer can do much more efficiently than any straight A law graduate and legal professionals shouldn’t even try to compete with this development.


Ny nordisk chefsjuristrapport

Nu har LegalWorks släppt 2017 års Nordic General Counsel Report på temat digitalisering. Bolagsjuristbloggen träffar LegalWorks VD Anna Lensmar-Friedman för att få reda på mer.

Vad är din syn på digitaliseringen av bolagsjuristavdelningar efter att ha genomfört den här undersökningen?